Monday 12 October 2009

What are the timings shown in MySQL Query Browser?

What are the timings shown in MySQL Query Browser?: "

Past weekend we got a customer request asking what the execution numbers shown in the statusbar of MySQL Query Browser really mean. Digging in the source and checking with developers, we got it explained and now hopefully documented for future generations.

Lets execute a SELECT-statement using MySQL Query Browser (in Windows):

SELECT * FROM django_admin_log d;
2664 rows fetched in 0,0659s (0,0016s)

N rows fetched in F sec (Q sec), where

  • N = number of rows fetched
  • F = number of seconds it took for the GUI tool to fetch andprocess the query result (fetch_time)
  • Q = the number of seconds it took the MySQL server to executethe query (query_time)

F will be mostly bigger than Q. However if the query is complex and resultset is for example only 1 row, then Q might be bigger than F.

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