Wednesday 16 September 2009

Formaldehyde: PHP debug info for the client side

Formaldehyde: PHP debug info for the client side: "

Andrea Giammarchi has released Formaldehyde, a new Ajax and PHP error debugger.

Simply grab the project and throw in an inclusion:


  1. <?php require_once 'formaldehyde.php'; ?>

You are off to the races.

Want to do a touch more?


  1. // *optional* custom ServerError constructor

  2. function ServerError(e){

  3. for(var key in e)

  4. this[key] = e[key]

  5. ;

  6. };

  7. // make Firebug the best friend ever

  8. (ServerError.prototype = new Error).name = 'ServerError';

  9. // same call

  10. var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest;

  11.'get', 'test.php', true);

  12. xhr.onreadystatechange = function(){

  13. if(xhr.readyState === 4){

  14. if(199 <xhr.status && xhr.status <400){

  15. // do something without failures

  16. eval(xhr.responseText);

  17. }

  18. // if Formaldehyde managed the call

  19. else if(xhr.status === 500 && xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Formaldehyde') != null) {

  20. // evaluate safely the response

  21. // generating a proper error

  22. console.log(new ServerError(eval('(' + xhr.responseText + ')')));

  23. } else {

  24. // 404 or other cases

  25. console.log(new Error(xhr.responseText));

  26. }

  27. }

  28. };

  29. xhr.send(null);

We have known about the great FirePHP for quite some time, but this is different as explained. Check it out!


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